Delivery room drama: Has birth become a spectator sport?
September 7, 2021
Expectant moms thankfully no longer have their mother’s delivery room experience, with Don Draper era dads sitting in waiting lounges until a doctor reports that baby has arrived. But the pendulum may have swung too far in the other direction. These days, delivery rooms can be rife with drama as grandparents-to-be vie for the best camera angle, or a mother-in-law angles to be the one feeding ice chips between contractions.
Taylor Durant Birth Story
September 7, 2021
On Tuesday night, April 9th, Clark and I walked a half mile to dinner in Cleveland Park and then home again to Woodley Park. I knew something felt different, lower, heavier, in my belly. Clark and I talked about what our baby would be like, and did a mental run-through of labor, laughing about how we felt ready and just wanted her to come!
Establishing Routines: Finding What works for you and your baby
September 7, 2021
Many babies thrive on routine: They eat better, sleep better, and are more emotionally secure when they know that their needs are going to be met in a predictable way. But, as most new parents quickly discover, the routine a baby likes isn’t necessarily the one you’re trying to impose. There are simply no guarantees that her schedule will mesh with yours.
Placenta Encapsulation
March 16, 2021
Placenta encapsulation helps countless women have an easier postpartum experience. Your placenta contains a unique composition of the hormones and nutrients that your body may benefit from soon after birth. I can help you bottle up those benefits into a little capsule.
Using Your Sister’s Eggs
March 16, 2021
You can hardly listen to the radio for too long without hearing a Fertility Center advertise for egg donors. Traditionally anonymous donors for both eggs and sperm have been the more preferred method of in vitro fertilization. A new trend is emerging where more and more couples are turning to relatives, especially siblings, for donations. Our experts weigh in on the physical and psychological ramifications of more familial fertility assistance. Would you rather have a family member assist you with starting your family?
March 3, 2021
April is Autism Awareness Month. If you are not directly affected by a child with Autism you mostly likely know someone who is. Autism like many other childhood disorders is being diagnosed more and more every year. Is there something in our environment or our current lifestyles that is contributing to an increase in Autism or has the medical community become better at recognizing children on the Autism Spectrum?